The PBIA’s mission is to provide quality billiard instruction to the general public, as well as offer training and certification programs for individuals wishing to become qualified billiard instructors.

The PBIA (formerly the BCA Instructor Program) was established in 1992 by the Billiard Congress of America.  While still an asset of the Billiard Congress of America, the association elected to create a separate organization in 2011 whose principle mission is to provide quality billiard instruction to the general public, as well as offer training and certification programs for individuals wishing to become qualified billiard instructors.

The PBIA is the largest international organization of professional billiard instructors.  The PBIA is dedicated to promoting the sport through quality teaching and training.  Since it’s founding in 1992, the PBIA has improved it leadership position by growing cue sports through professional instruction, development of training products, contributing instructional articles to industry publications, participating in educational workshops and seminars, acting as certified referees or league officials, and directing some of the most notable billiard tournaments throughout the country.

The Founding Members of the PBIA:
Jerry Briesath, Master Instructor, Founding Member
Randy Goettlicher, Master Instructor, Founding Member
Leslie Rogers, Master Instructor, Founding Member
Richard Roher, Master Instructor, Founding Member, Legacy Member

Legacy Members of the PBIA are forever honored:
Richard Rhoar, Master Instructor, Legacy Member
Scott Lee, Master Instructor, Legacy Member
Tom Simpson, Master Instructor, Legacy Member
Bob Radford, Master Instructor, Legacy Member
Lance Kepler, Master Instructor, Legacy Member
Fred Fector, Master Instructor, Legacy Member

The 2024 PBIA Instructor Committee is:
Shane Tyree, BCA Chief Executive Officer
Robert Moreno, Master Instructor, Committee Chairman
Roy Pastor, Master Instructor
Kim Young, Master Instructor
Jay Ataka, Advanced Instructor